My Guangdong Story | Why is this place Takeuchi Ryo’s favorite city in China?

"Guangzhou is my favorite city in China. I find the climate in Guangzhou very comfortable, and the food here is so delicious," Japanese documentary filmmaker Takeuchi Ryo shared in an exclusive interview with GDToday.

French film director Jean-Jacques Annaud: GBA is where I started to fall in love with China

On April 5, 2023, French President Emmanuel Macron attended the opening ceremony of the 17th edition of Festival Croisements in Beijing. He recommended the film Notre-Dame on Fire directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud, which was premiered on the Chinese mainland on April 7.

Friends’ talk | American Chinese makes Guangzhou Award a well-known platform for international exchange

“It is indeed a great honour for me to receive this ‘Guangdong Friendship Award’,” said Nicholas You, adviser of the Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovation, in an interview with GDToday. “It is partially in recognition of 10 years of work with the Guangzhou Award for urban innovation.”

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