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Mahmoud AL-Azab: I hope the vaccine will bring our life back to normal

04/06/2021 Source: newsgd.com


Mahmoud Ali Ahmed AL-Azab comes from Yemen. He got his PhD from Dalian Medical University in immunology. Now, he’s doing his post-doctoral research at Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center.

2020 is an unforgettable year. From the beginning of January to March, the cases in China were a little bit more than in the world. At that time, he tried to transfer the experience and the instruction of Chinese government to Arabian people, especially his country mates in Arabic on his Facebook account.

[Photo: Mia]

"I can tell you that China and Chinese people inspire the world - how to fight against coronavirus. Chinese experience and Chinese instruction here, inspired me, then I inspired them." he said.

As the New Year begins, one of his biggest wishes is that the vaccine will solve the problem and normalize everything, then our life will come back as before.

Video by Keane, Fanny

Script by Fanny

Author | Fanny

Editor | Keane, Jerry