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Fung Fuwing: I achieve my dream of being a teacher in the Greater Bay Area

07/08/2021 Source: newsgd.com


Fung Fuwing is the first Hong Kong teacher recruited by Guangdong Mechanical Technician University. Last year, Guangdong introduced new policies allowing Hong Kong and Macao residents to apply for public institutions in the mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area. Through this opportunity, Fung Fuwing has become one of the first Hong Kong and Macao residents who is working in public institutions in Guangdong.

After graduating from high school in Hong Kong, Fung Fuwing got his undergraduate and master's degrees respectively in Guangzhou and Beijing. "I have witnessed the rapid development of our country during my study in the mainland, especially the remarkable achievements of the Greater Bay Area. Guangzhou, where I have studied, is one of the core cities of the Greater Bay Area, so I decided to return to a place that is relatively familiar to me, as well as close to my home." He said.

Photo: Nanfang Daily

Fung Fuwing became a psychological teacher in Guangdong Mechanical Technician University in May this year. His current job is mainly to provide psychological counseling to students and group counseling to classes.

Fung Fuwing has figured out his own teaching method and gets along well with his students by talking about games and Tik Tok, although this is the first time for him to be a teacher. "My colleagues are very concerned about my life and work. They also guide me on how to take care of students and help me adapt to the new environment."

Fung Fuwing plans to live in Guangzhou for a long time. "The development of the Greater Bay Area has provided us with a bigger platform and broader development opportunities. As a youth from Hong Kong, I want to contribute my own power to the construction of China." He also encouraged more young people from Hong Kong and Macao to come to the Chinese mainland to find more development opportunities.

Reporter/Script| Zeng Meiling

Video-shooting| Shi Lei

Video edited| Wang Juntao

English author| Emma(intern)

English version| Kelly(intern)

English editor| Wing, Nan, Steven, Alice, Jerry